Self-Care for the Bride-to-Be: How to Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Planning a wedding signifies a particularly unique season in life. You are thrilled, you are stressed, you are busy, you are SO ready for the wedding to be here, but you are also constantly thinking something along the lines of *please oh please* let there be time to get all the things on my to-do list done!

In the midst of all of the tasks and excitement associated with planning a wedding in 6 months or less, it is very important to put some effort into taking care of yourself. "Self-care" is definitely a buzzword right now, but it really is important. Preparing for your wedding should be a truly memorable and joy-filled time, and taking care of your body, mind, and spirit will help contribute to that. 


Physical self-care might look like prioritizing your favorite gym class or maybe adding some yoga into your evening routine. If you aren’t much of a gym girl, you can do some easy fitness routines at home to help give you a daily endorphin boost! Grab a mat and find yoga videos on YouTube (here's a playlist of some of our favorite free workouts), mix in some resistance training with loops, or enjoy walks around your neighborhood while you tune in to your favorite podcasts. 

Drinking enough water each day is one of the best things you can do for your body. Staying hydrated has so many benefits, from giving you radiant skin to boosting your energy level. It is recommended that you drink half your body weight in ounces each day, and a water bottle with time markers is a great way to help you stay on track. 

Last but certainly not least, take care of your skin. We all want glowy, blemish-free skin on our wedding day, and that starts with taking care of your skin in advance of your wedding day. Drinking plenty of water makes a big difference, but also look into incorporating masks for extra hydration. This clay mask is highly recommended for deep cleaning and drawing out impurities as well. If you are dealing with more serious skin issues, take the time to get a facial or see a dermatologist.

Bridal skincare

We've written about skincare on this blog before and I will link to some of our best resources below as well:


When I was in the midst of my own short engagement I felt like I had a million things on my plate and had to move a million miles per hour to get it all done. “Wedding brain” became a very real thing. Getting organized and finding time to focus my brain on other things made such a big difference.

Organization is a big part of self-care in my world, as it allows you to relax knowing you aren’t missing any details! Start with a good planning guide, a notebook, and a calendar. Write down all of your ideas, thoughts, and important dates and deadlines. This will help you ensure that nothing falls through the cracks! 

Another great thing to do for your mind and overall stress level is to find something else to focus on. Whether it is a book, a podcast, or a hobby, giving your brain time to dig deep into a subject that isn’t wedding related is a must. Find something that is interesting to you and give yourself permission to use some of your free time on that instead of wedding prep.


Marrying the person that God designed for you to spend your life with is so exciting. Marriage is such a gift that helps us to grow in so many ways. There are so many little things that can distract you from the big picture, which is why taking care of your spiritual well-being is so important as you get closer and closer to the big day! Some great ways to help keep your heart and spirit on the right track are doing premarital counseling and committing to a daily time of prayer and reflection. 

Premarital counseling is such a wise way to invest in the future of your marriage. Sitting down to talk through some of the big issues that you will likely face with someone who has been there and is trained to help you and your fiance is truly invaluable! They will likely give you some books to read and different topics to work through, and help navigate potential issues that you hadn’t even thought of. Your pastor is a great resource to help you get started on this journey!

Make a habit of starting your day with a time of prayer, reflection, and thankfulness. Beginning your day with gratitude and a focus on the eternal rather than the temporary will help you feel grounded and at peace no matter what the day brings. 

A wedding is wonderful, but it is just the beginning of the lifelong commitment you're making. Don’t let the process of wedding planning drain you or wear you out—instead, make room for joy through self-care as you anticipate the amazing adventure of marriage ahead of you!

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